With the release of Kontakt 7, it is now possible to add libraries that aren't licensed through Native Instruments to Kontakt's Library Browser. You can follow these steps to add your 8Dio libraries to Kontakt.
Step 1: Open Kontakt 7, and navigate to the library browser. This is the button in the top left of Kontakt, between the save icon and the word "Kontakt"
Step 2: Select the small gear icon in the bottom left of the window. This opens the "Import Content" menu.
Step 3: Click "Add" in the bottom left of the import libraries menu. This will open your computer's file browser.
Step 4: Navigate to the library that you want to be imported into Kontakt, and select its folder.
Step 5: Once the library folder has been selected, click "close" in Kontakt 7's Import Content window. The library will now be listed in Kontakt 7's library browser.
For more information, please see this guide on Native Instruments' website.